
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Tribute to My Sons Part 2

Hello on this fine July Wednesday.
Robin here posting today and every Wednesday.

I am sharing my box book of our Army sons,
the inside pages of the book.
If you missed it last week I shared the outside of the book.
Here it is.
A Box!

The inside pages are about our sons.

Cover Page
This book is about a 10x10 size.
So only a few pictures can be placed on each page,
a few more if the pictures are small.

I have some pretty awesome sons.
They have been serving in our family for quite a while
the oldest for 14 years now.
This was the first time in many, many years that we were able
to even have them all in the same place together.
much less get a photo of them together.
They are in their dress blues.

Here they are with their father, my closest friend and partner.
This picture I printed off Facebook, where Josh made a tribute to his 
brothers and father.
I have copied this and it is below so you can read it.
Every time I read it, tears come to my eyes, I have a 
real hard time reading it out loud to friends when I want to share.
It is written so beautifully.

This page is just about Joshua.
He has been in the Army the longest in Infantry Division.
So he has seen much on the battle field, and in Baghdad, and many
other places in the Middle East. 
He has one tour to Iraq and 2 tours to Afghanistan.
He is married with 3 children. 
Such a great example to his family.

This is Jeremiah, 
who isn't far behind Josh in service of years
in the Army. He has 2 tours to Afghanistan.
He has married while in the service,
he is a step father to 2, and a father to 3 with one child on the way.
He too is such a great example!

This is our youngest son and child Jacob.
He is married and a father of 4.
He has one tour to Afghanistan,
and is such a good father to his children.

No soldier could have a family without wonderful supportive wives.
These are the O'Crowley Army Wives.
Who have had 4 children on their own while
husbands have been deployed. 
I love these 3 women very much!
They are the cream of the crop, and I salute them for their service
and dedication to our country. Without them our sons
could not be the soldiers that they are.  They too have sacrificed much.

We for some reason forget that these soldiers have families, 
and forget the sacrifice that these families give to our country so we
can have freedom and be safe.
We also have no idea how they come home,
the things that scare them, the dreams they have every night,
the Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) that haunts them 
every single day.  The things they give up, on our nations holidays
because it sounds like they are under fire. The things that we
want to see and celebrate.
I salute you and your wives.

Of course, every soldier has parents
who also pray for them and their safety every day.
A mother who gave them life, and 
a father who helped them become who they
are, and taught them to love country, God, and family.
No parents could be more proud.

Yes, these sons are brothers,
an O'Crowley Band of brothers.
Bound by love, blood, and sacrifice.

My tribute to you.
Joshua, Jeremiah, and Jacob.
I am proud of you,
who you have become, who you
serve, and who you love.

May freedom always have a meaning to you!



Products come from
The Robin's Nest

Nautical Stripe Paper
Furling Flag Paper
Glitter Star Border CS
Lady Liberty Paper
Blue Glitter Stars Paper
Red Glitter Stars Paper
White Glitter Stars Paper Retired
USA Sticker
Journaling Tags
Old Glory Diamond drops
Hydrangea Dew Drops
Red Mini Dew drops
Glitter Red Rope CS
Blue Glitter Stars Die Cuts
Blue Fleur Linen CS
Mocha Daisy CS
Red Linen Fabric
Blue Burlap Fabric


  1. This is so special.....brought a tear to my eye...salute!

  2. Very nice tribute. Those boys should be proud of you too :) great job on your book~

  3. This is amazing! Beautiful book and your post made me cry! Then, I went back and read Josh's tribute and cried some more. YOU are the driving force behind all of this! You are obviously a wonderful mother!
    Thank them for me!!

  4. These pages warms my heart and makes me proud to be an American. This a wonderful tribute to your sons and family that supports them as they serve to defend this country of ours. Awesome job!!! <3

  5. This book is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your wonderful sons - and please thank them for serving our country.

  6. A beautiful book. It really shows your pride in your sons.

  7. So warm layuots! these boys so lucky to have such a great parents!

  8. Thank you ladies! I am so proud of these great men! Thanks for your comments, they brought tears to my eyes. You are wonderful!

  9. This is awesome!! Love love love these pages and your heartfelt words. They are such great men because they have wonderful examples to look up to. We love you and thank you for everything!!
    Tara :)

  10. such a wonderful family - you are very blessed!

  11. Amazing pages and tribute! Such heartfelt words and so very true! I love too how you paid tribute to the wives and families behind the scenes. My uncle retired from the army after 35 years of active duty, including 3 tours overseas. I also have personally seen the sacrifices my Aunt and Uncle have went through raising children during these years. I have been to military bases all of the country visiting them. I am so thankful for all the men and women in the military! Creating an album to honor your sons is so beautiful and touching!

  12. amazing tribute to them all. Fabulous pages

  13. What a beautiful memory
