
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Love Hard

It's beginning to feel a lot like LOVE around here!

I used some fun chipboard embellishments from Gina's Designs here.
To coordinate them with the layout, I misted them with some matching sprays I had on hand.
Misting pieces is a quick and easy way to alter your chipboard pieces
and make them the custom color that you need.

This wood charm from Gina's Designs
I had to keep as is because the look and texture of it, the way it comes, it just beautiful.

Of course, let’s not forget the beautiful papers on this layout!

You might start seeing a lot of BOLD script hand writing in paper arts in the up and coming seasons.
I had a difficult time wrapping my head around this look at first, but as with most trends, I began to fall in love with it.  I decided to give my hand a try at it.
I started out by drawing guide lines with a pencil.
I wrote out the words I wanted to use, again, with pencil, first.

You can see here, I practiced on some scrap paper before hand.
Once I got the size and look I wanted, I used a medium size, round brush and black India ink to trace over my letters.  I went slow and refilled my brush as often as necessary.
The ink dries quickly.  Once it is completely dry, go back and erase your pencil marks with a white eraser.

It really was a quick process, all in all.  
 However, I didn’t like the roughness of my lines and the transparency of the black.   
It wasn’t THAT transparent.  I just wanted a REALLY opaque black.  
 So, I went over my writing with the brush tip of an alcohol marker.
I followed up with a light gray alcohol marker to make a shadow on the left of the letters.   
You can hardly see them, but it helps to make the letters pop just a bit.
Try this on your next project, even if it’s a on a smaller canvas such as a card.   
It makes a nice, personal touch.

~Robin Redd