
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Alaska Binder

Dana and I spent 2 weeks in Alaska
visiting our kids that live up there in August
this year.

This is my 4th trip up there, and Dana's 5th trip to Alaska.

This time for me was the first time I had been there in the summer,
really early fall for Alaska, we learned.
So I had the opportunity to collect treasures from 
their back yard, the beach, and other places we went to.

The day we left, we visited the commissary on base, and they had an 
area that sold just things relating to Alaska.
There was an Alaska Binder there,
and I thought, mmmm, I could make my own,
with a Robin's Nest Leather binder.

 I used one of our Raw Leather Binders.
I looked for a binder in our warehouse that had been really 
This one has scratches all over it, because I wanted it to look 
distressed and used.

When I designed the Raw Leather binder, 
I wanted it to have a very expensive look.
So I picked raw leather to give it a
Ralph Lauren type of look.

Of course, because this is the look I was going for,
the cost of these binders is not cheap,
because, the manufacturer used real leather that came in
pieces not even cut in squares, they were in shapes
like the hide of a cow.
Then I had them sew an edge down the  side of the binder,
which added to the cost as well.

I love these binders,
they are great for the outdoor look,
camping, cowboy, hiking, or anything you do

Our grandson Gabe, had pealed bark off a birch tree in their 
back yard, Dana brought in this piece of bark,
and I decided, it needed to be brought home.
Gabe told me, just go outside, there are lots of those out there!

When I started 
working on the binder, my first thought was,
I need to use that bark.
It is really curled, and won't lay out straight.
I put it on the top of the binder and thought, wow, that is really tall.
But decided, this binder will sit on one of the tables in our 
family room, so does it matter?
No, it will look great, with the 3 dimensional look.

I then added other treasures that I found
in gift stores, while we were in Homer, Alaska.

I added a map, a totem pole, and a pin that says
I "love" Alaska.
These items I bought in the gift shops.

I added some chipboard letters from my scrapbook stash.

At the very last of my thoughts,
I decided to make a big dipper out of dew drops.

The state flag of Alaska 
has the big dipper, in out of stars,
so to create my own big dipper, I used blue
mini dew drops.

And alas, 
my binder was finished.
I added a strip of leather tied in knots
to the front of the binder as well,
this is what the totem pole is tied to.

I am so excited about this fun album.
There are many Alaska pages going in this binder,
and soon to come, 
I will share with you some of our 
adventures of our trip,
and some of the things we were able to 
do with our family.

Until next Wednesday!




  1. Love the idea of decorating the front of the album and the little treasures you included too! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. What a nice binder to sit out for all to see. Love the big dipper, of course, and the bark is extra special touch.

  3. what a fabulous album.. great design and amazing mix to document your adventure
